MAGNET Software Suite

The MAGNET Software Suite has all the features needed for any modern municipality, big or small.

The MAGNET Software Suite provides all the tools you need.

Partner with us to make your processes easier, reduce expenses and provide the best services to your users.

MAGNET Backoffice

The MAGNET Back office is the staff portion of MAGNET. It tracks all of your parcels, applications, workflows and communications.

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MAGNET Self-Service Portal

The MAGNET Self-Service Portal is our public portal for your end users to submit applications, renew their licenses, submit complaints, and track application statuses.

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MAGNET Mobile allows your inspectors to seamlessly create, schedule and complete inspections out in the field. Most features can be used without an active internet connection.

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MAGNET Backoffice

The MAGNET Backoffice is the heart of your MAGNET System and where your staff will view, create, and manage their applications, workflows, fees, and more.


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MAGNET Self-Service Portal

The MAGNET Self-Service Portal provides your residents and customers the ability to submit new applications, check the status of applications, pay fees, request inspections, and more.


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With the MAGNET Mobile application, your staff will be fully operable anytime, and from anywhere. They will operate in real-time and in the same system as your in-house staff. No laptop, PC tablet, or any other cumbersome device is required. The purpose-built magnet application will give field users direct access to the information they need and streamline their ability to perform inspections and other field activities.

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