Top Features

MAGNET was built from scratch with the features you need and should expect from government software.

User Friendly

Powerful software doesn't need to be complex.

Every module in MAGNET was built with simplicity in mind. From clear data grids, to intuitive tabbed navigation and information layout, anyone can use MAGNET.

We didn't simply combine multiple software solutions, rather MAGNET was built specifically to handle the expected functionality. Each module looks the same, meaning users can review or utilize any MAGNET module with limited additional training.



We didn't custom build MAGNET for you, but it might feel like we did.

MAGNET is an off-the-shelf commercial software, built with a large number of customizations to allow it to fit your needs.

Just some of the customizations available include:

  • Case types and subcases.

  • Custom data fields.

  • Customized reports or forms.

  • Ability to fully control what data is available on the Self-Service Portal.

  • User roles and permissions.

  • Workflows based on application type or case data.

  • Case conditions.

  • Fees.

  • And more...

Automated Workflows

Based on the type of application, the requirements, rules, and steps to be taken can change. MAGNET can enforce different workflows based on the case information, such as type, data, etc.

This allows for simple tracking of the steps required:

  • Plan review.

  • Sign offs.

  • Required documents.

  • Meetings, etc.

Tracking and Reporting

Data drives what you do.

MAGNET has multiple reporting mechanisms that support simple and effective reporting and tracking.

User Dashboard

The MAGNET user dashboard highlights the things that matter. Right on their home screen, users will see their "To Do" list, which includes any tasks assigned to them, as well as any tasks they manually want to track.

Additionally, they can see any cases assigned to them, and it's status, as well as any Plan Review that are waiting for review.

Data Grids

Our Data Grids are the heart of each section. They show all your case information, as well as allow for highly customizable on-the-fly or scheduled reports. Any data available in MAGNET can be used to easily create a PDF or Excel report. Important reports can be setup to automatically run at set intervals and email selected staff with the report.

Custom Reports Library

When a reports needs are specific, such as state reporting or other more specific needs, MAGNET has a library of custom or customizable reports that can be created to allow for specific formatting and reporting with the click of a button.


While some try, no one software can do everything.

Your software needs to seamlessly integrate with other software to provide a complete solutions.


We integrate with ArcGIS to display your layers, and import data sets and features.

Payment Integration

We integrate with most major payment gateways and continue to add new as needed. This allows for simple payments right from your MAGNET Software or on the Self-Service Portal.

Finance Systems

Most finance systems do not allow a direct integration to "push and pull" finance data. However, many offer the ability for import and export functionality to allow for financial records to be maintained and kept up to date between the systems. MAGNEY supports most standard import/export based systems and continues to add new integrations as new systems emerge.


Just because you are a public entity, does not mean you don't hold private data.

It's common in many instances to require Personally Identifiable Information to be collected and stored as part of an application. This can include sensitive information such as Date of Bith, Social Security numbers, and more.

MAGNET supports "protected" fields which allow any user to enter data on an application, which is then encrypted and stored encrypted on the server. Ony users with permission to the protected fields can decrypt and view the data. All protected data is obscured on the screen to prevent over-the-shoulder viewing, unless directly selected by the user.

For sensitive documents, MAGNET offers the ability to control which documents can be viewed on the Self-Sevrice Portal, as well as setting private documents to "restricted". This allows staff to see that the document exists on the case, but only users with permissions to view restricted documents would be allowed to view the file contents.